About us

What is the nature of Online Chip Systems? 🤔🤔🤔
Online Chip Systems is rendering service training for the underdeveloped, job seeking youth under Electronics Hardware with self-employment guarantee and good job opportunities.

We a digital entrepreneur, technical specialist in electronics maintenance and founder of the blog onlinechipsystems.com.
Online Chip Systems is one of the fastest growing IT companies involved in the supply, service and maintenance of computer hardware.  We also offer related consultancy and training.  A dynamic and experienced work force.  An efficient management team.  Proper and timely service with assured quality.  Field personnel trained in state of the art technologies for managing service calls.
Round the clock attention is given to all our customers this not only reduces their downtime, but also increases our reliability.
Attractive and economic packages are offered for handling maintenance requirements so that you get personalized care for your precious equipment at really affordable prices.
Our Vision

To emerge as a world leader in Technical Training by continuously updating our course content and methodology and deploying state–of-the–art training tools, thereby creating a large bank of highly skilled and efficient Human Resources, which would eventually contribute to making a remarkable impact on the sociology-economic development of Society.
Our Mission

At CHIP SYSTEMS, it is our constant Endeavour to transform individuals from all sections of society into employable resources and successful entrepreneurs through innovative technology training programs and, to participate in socio-economic development by imparting knowledge and helping people realize their dreams. 



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